Produse pentru căldură pvc (31)

Fisa tehnică PVC ECO Shore A 83

Fisa tehnică PVC ECO Shore A 83

Avantages : Écologique : Réduction des déchets plastiques et préservation des ressources naturelles. Économique : Réduction des coûts de production tout en maintenant des standards de qualité élevés. Performant : Propriétés mécaniques et thermiques stables et fiables. Instructions de traitement : Température d'extrusion : 160°C - 180°C Température de moulage par injection : 170°C - 190°C Température de séchage : Non nécessaire, faible absorption d'humidité Pour plus d'informations ou pour des besoins spécifiques, veuillez contacter notre équipe commerciale ou consulter notre site web. Nous sommes à votre disposition pour vous fournir des échantillons et des données techniques supplémentaires.
Vopsea pe bază de solvent

Vopsea pe bază de solvent

SOLVENT PAINT of COSMOCHROME is a high quality undercoat for concrete surfaces (concrete columns, concrete floors, walls, ceramic tile roofs etc). It is highly durable against extreme weather conditions and atmosphere pollution. It has strong adhesion, great covering power and extreme hardness PACKAGE:0,75 LT, 10 LT, 2,5 LT COLOR:Black, Cypress Green
Protech Fix AC-Therm: Fixativ acrilic de întărire anti-condensare, în dispersie apoasă

Protech Fix AC-Therm: Fixativ acrilic de întărire anti-condensare, în dispersie apoasă

Protech Fix AC-Therm Water-based anti-condensing wall covering, with excellent fixing and anchoring properties, with good coverage based on high penetration acrylic resins, 3M Glass Bubble, pigments, fillers and covering fillers. Suitable as an anti-condensation fixative primer, prior to painting or coating the plaster with anti-condensation paints or plasters (-THERM). Ideal for interventions on walls with mucilage deposits, bacterial phenomena and moulds. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it is particularly suitable for solving mould problems. It can be applied on any plaster (rustic, civil, plaster, dry mortar, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete, etc.). Made with special resins and additives it reduces the absorption of the support while allowing the necessary transpiration, uniforms the absorption making the application of the finishing coats easier. It always works in depth, which is why it is the ideal preparation for applying water-based paints or coatings. Adhesion is excellent even on particularly difficult surfaces, thanks to the use of special resins and the presence in the formulation of an adhesion promoter interacting between the support and the product. Preliminary treatment of any surface (civil, plaster, rustic, dry mortars, plasterboard, concrete, prefabricated, exposed concrete etc.) designed to isolate the support surfaces and standardise the absorptions of the subsequent anti-condensate treatments (painting and protective coatings). Packaging: 14-liter bucket UM: €/l
Gomastit 701 mastice acrilic

Gomastit 701 mastice acrilic

Gomastit 701 is a painting compatible sealant based on acrylic dispersion. Suitable for slight movement joints in interior and exterior use and repair of wall cracks. Adheres to absorbent construction materials such as concrete, wood and masonry. Usage:Interior construction


La planta Hedera, comúnmente conocida como hiedra, es un género de plantas trepadoras y rastreras que pertenecen a la familia Araliaceae. Son apreciadas por su atractivo follaje verde y su capacidad para trepar y cubrir superficies, como paredes, cercas y árboles. Las hojas de la hiedra son perennes y suelen ser de forma lobulada o palmada. Vienen en diferentes tonos de verde, dependiendo de la especie y variedad. Su principal característica es su habilidad para trepar y adherirse a las superficies mediante raíces adventicias que se desarrollan a lo largo de los tallos. Las flores de la hiedra son pequeñas y generalmente no muy notables. Producen bayas toxicas de color negro o morado oscuro después de la floración (no ingerir). Hay muchas especies y variedades de hiedra, cada una con sus propias características. Prefiere la luz indirecta, aunque puede tolerar condiciones de luz baja.
ACCESORII Vopsea albă

ACCESORII Vopsea albă

Protects the outdoor insulation from U.V. and inclement weather. White paint:0.75 litre
PVC Noua Epocă

PVC Noua Epocă

New generation solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes in pressure systems. Suitable for use in drinking water systems. THF-free. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic.
Tub din plastic profilat

Tub din plastic profilat

Pour usages spéciaux, tous profilés fermés hors standards devant s'adapter à la forme du produit à emballer. Bouchage : finition par perçage aux extrémités.
Acoperiri din poliuretan

Acoperiri din poliuretan

ADLER PUR-based coatings are modern solvent-based systems that meet the most demanding standards in furniture and interior decoration. The best resistance, both for chemical and mechanical stresses and strains, as well as ease of application and use are the special features of this type of coating system. ADLER offers the best choice of PUR-based coatings for the most diverse types of wood as well as the most varied design concepts. Premium quality and efficient use are always ensured in the process. In this manner, you can meet almost any need or requirement for the surface as desired by your customers.
Clear Pak®

Clear Pak®

Biobasierte, nitrit- und aminfreie korrosionshemmende Verpackungsfolie Die nächste Generation umweltfreundlicher, nitritfreier VCI Folien. Innovative Korrosionsschutzfolie überzeugt durch die Kombination aus maximalen Rostschutz aus umweltreundlichen Bestandteilen, überragenden mechanischen Eigenschaften und schonender Anwendung.
Adeziv poliuretanic

Adeziv poliuretanic

Poliuretano (5,0 kg) + endurecedor (0,7 kg) es decir, un kit de 5,7 kg Aplicaciones: Para todos los revestimientos de suelos interiores o exteriores de caucho, en losetas o en rollo, las moquetas y los céspedes sintéticos. Ventajas: Apto para el encolado de numerosos revestimientos y sobre soportes tales como hormigón y aglomerados. Recomendado para los usos intensivos. Gracias a su flexibilidad, puede ser sometido a importantes variaciones de temperatura


A REAL REVOLUTION IN THE FASTENING AND ASSEMBLING TECHNOLOGY FOR SEALING, STICKING, FASTENING • Can be applied on every kind of metals and many other material • Very elastic and resistant, also against seawater • Quick polymerization, very high adhesive power • High abrasion resistance • Overpaintable and sandable • Without smell, not corrosive and not flammable • No shrinkage, no sag APPLICATION BRANCHES • Motor vehicles • Caravans, boats • Buildings CARCOFLEX 6600 represents a true revolution in the world of the one component, polyurethanic-based sealants. Our product is the result of the most complete synthesis of all characteristics, an adhesive sealant has to show, to be suitable for the auto transport, the artisanship, the building and the ship's branch.. In the specific auto transport branch the application fields are mainly the assembling of spoilers, chassis and profiles on the car, as well as the assembly of plate, plastic and wood parts on vans, ca
50.5002.00 - Adeziv PVC

50.5002.00 - Adeziv PVC

50.5002.00 - PVC-Kleber
Filme pentru pereți laterali

Filme pentru pereți laterali

Our side wall films provide protection from aggressive fermentation acid for bunker silo walls and seal the silos airtight - for optimum silage quality.
Vopsea de cauciuc clorurat

Vopsea de cauciuc clorurat

1-Komponenten Schwimmbeckenfarbe, 2-Komponenten Schwimmbeckenfarbe für Oberflächen mit dauernder Wasserbelastung aus Beton, grundiertem Metall und grundiertem Kunststoff (GFK/Polyester). Farbton: Karibiblau oder im Wunschfarbton nach RAL
CV-2688-12 - Adeziv pentru film cu volatilitate controlată

CV-2688-12 - Adeziv pentru film cu volatilitate controlată

"Para aplicações eletrônicas e espaciais que exigem baixa liberação de gases e condensáveis ​​voláteis mínimos para evitar condensação em dispositivos sensíveis. Para colagem ou vedação de elastômeros de silicone e alguns metais ou plásticos"
Parasilico Premium - silicon sanitar

Parasilico Premium - silicon sanitar

Neutrale silicone door zijn hoge viscositeit en body bijzonder gemakkelijk verwerkbaar en afwerkbaar. Trekt geen draden en is uiterst wrijfvast. Speciaal ontwikkeld voor afdichtingen in vochtige ruimtes zoals badkamers, keukens... en uiterst geschikt voor het voegen van tegels.


Die Kunststoff-Hülle für lange Haltbarkeit von zylindrischen Wurstprodukten – auch ohne Zweitverpackung. NaloBar Die Kunststoff-Hülle für lange Haltbarkeit von zylindrischen Wurstprodukten – auch ohne Zweitverpackung. Anwendungsbereich: Ungeräucherte Brüh- und Kochwurst sowie Schmelzkäse. Produktvorteile: Lange Haltbarkeit auch ohne Zweitverpackung Keine Gewichtsverluste auch über einen längeren Zeitraum aufgrund der hohen Wasserdampfbarriere Keine Oxidationseinflüsse dank exzellenter Sauerstoff-Barriere Ausgezeichneter Rückschrumpf, dadurch stets faltenfreie Produkte Hohe Kaliberkonstanz Große Farbvielfalt Kaliberspektrum: Von 20 bis 150 mm (Nennkaliber = Füllkaliber) Farben: Die Farben der NaloBar Hüllen finden Sie in unserem Farbprogramm. Kaliberspektrum: 20 bis 150 mm
Compoziție de blocare a filetelor

Compoziție de blocare a filetelor

Schraubensicherungslack (Plombierungsicherung) in unterschiedlichen Farben und Lösungsmittelhaltig für ein sicheres Sichern und Siegeln von Schrauben. Erhältlich in und 15 ccm und 60 ccm Tuben. Deutschland: 21,50 €


Properties: ALDOVET SAN is a special surface disinfectant concentrate on an excellent bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal effect. ALDOVET SAN is very well suited for the disinfection of surfaces and equipment in livestock barns, as well as for working surfaces, sanitary facilities, and animal transport vehicles. Application: Only apply on acid-resistant surfaces. Before disinfection, all surfaces must be cleaned thoroughly with suitable cleaning agents for animal houses (e.g. ALDOVET TENS). After the surfaces are cleaned and dried the proper use-solution of ALDOVET SAN is applied with the usual application equipment. Surfaces with animal contact must properly be rinsed with water after disinfection.


Adesivo e rasante premiscelato alleggerito con sfere di vetro a base di leganti idraulici ad elevato livello qualitativo costante, prodotto con impianto computerizzato. L’incollaggio e la rasatura dei pannelli isolanti di polistirolo, polistirene (anche goffrato), poliuretano, sughero, legno cemento in interno ed esterno ; la rasatura di superfici in calcestruzzo, rivestimenti rustici, plastici e/o minerali, intonaci tradizionali o premiscelati a base di calce e cemento sia nuovi che vecchi anche se verniciati purché in ottimo stato di conservazione, di intonaci che presentano lesioni da ritiro, sarà realizzata con adesivo/rasante in polvere alleggerito con sfere di vetro, a base di leganti idraulici tipo “INTOCOL PP LIGHT” della MALVIN S.r.l., applicato a mano e da impastare con sola aggiunta d’acqua, con un consumo di 2/4,5 kg/mq come collante e di 2,5/3 kg/mq come rasante, con resistenza a compressione a 28 gg di categoria CS III .
Grupul Emart

Grupul Emart

Our company EMART GROUP, whose foundation year is 2020, continues to be the most preferred one in Turkey and the world in the export sector since its establishment, and at the same time, we are a manufacturer company that produces camera junction boxes, CCTV Accessories with quality materials. Our company, which provides service in the world and in Turkey, has consumers in more than 48 provinces in Turkey. Our company, which dominates the foreign market as well as the domestic market, has dealerships in many countries. These are Russia (Kazan and Krasnoyarsk), Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq.
CUBOMATT - vopsea de acoperire interioară mată pe bază de rășină copolimerică acrilică pe bază de apă.

CUBOMATT - vopsea de acoperire interioară mată pe bază de rășină copolimerică acrilică pe bază de apă.

PROPERTIES Decorative and protection purpose, can be applied on plaster, concrete and any surface. Excellent adhesion ability works any surfaces. It does not crack, blister or spill. It is odorless, human and environment friendly. First class decorative paint which has a great coverage capability and applied easily.


Le COATAINER est une innovation sur le marché des boîtes cylindriques destinées aux conditionnements des produits de peintures et de chimies. Sa forme légèrement conique, permet une meilleure palettisation à vide de 50% pour le transport et le stockage à vide, tout en conservant le design de la boîte classique.
Protech AC-P : Vopsea acrilică, lavabilă, pentru interior și exterior

Protech AC-P : Vopsea acrilică, lavabilă, pentru interior și exterior

Protech AC-P Paint based on acrylic resins in aqueous emulsion, for interiors and exteriors, protective lamellar structure which, in addition to having an aesthetic effect, allows maximum filling, transpiration and very high resistance to mechanical and chemical light. The high coverage and expandability make this product extremely easy to apply. The special acrylic resins that compose it allow to obtain a film characterized by a rapid insensitivity to water even during the drying phase, with a consequent reduction of the "snail effect" in the event of atmospheric events. Protective and decorative finish painting of walls, facades, concrete products, plasters, masonry, natural stone, porous substrates in general. For old plasters, pay particular attention to the old pre-existing paints, which must be removed by careful scraping and brushing in order to obtain a healthy and non-friable support; then proceed with the application of Protech Fix AC fixative. When applying on new plasters, it is good practice to insulate the base with acrylic insulator or even better with a white or neutral microemulsion fixative. Avoid windy or cold days when applying. Do not apply on fresh or particularly alkaline substrates, respect a minimum carbonation period of at least four weeks. On large surfaces it is recommended to apply product from the same batch and always proceed wet on wet to avoid signs of recovery. Never operate with temperatures below + 5 ° C. Rainy weather, excessive atmospheric humidity and temperatures below + 8 ° C can greatly compromise drying with the possibility of washing off by rainwater even after several days. . DILUTION (by volume with drinking water) BRUSH 1st COAT: 15% a crossed coat or two coats 12-24 hours apart 2nd COAT: 10%. ROLLER 1st COAT: 10% 2nd COAT: 10%. SPRAY (through specific equipment) 1st COAT: 15/25% 2nd COAT: 15/25%. To avoid filming defects, being resin-based products in aqueous emulsion, the application temperature must be between + 5 ° C and + 35 ° C with relative humidity not higher than 60/70%. Do not apply under the direct action of the sun and wind. Do not apply on fresh or particularly alkaline substrates, respect a minimum drying period of the substrate of at least four weeks. It is also advisable for colored, not to use on large surfaces dyed with different production batches as slight differences between batch and batch are technically possible. Please check the color before application as we will not respond to any disputes regarding the shade of the applied product. From 0.20 to 0.30 liters of Protech AC-P for each square meter of surface to be painted. Pail 14 l


PROTEX is an excellent quality emulsion paint for interior and exterior use, with great hiding power and exist the 10 basic colour. It’s suitable for the colour mix of plastic and acrylic paints. It’s suitable for plaster, concrete, bricks and wood. It has great working and levelling properties, strong adhension and quick drying. It gives a beautiful mat finish. Information: Emulsion paint based on P.V.A-VEOVA copolymer. Applycating with brush, roller or airless and thinning with 5-10% clean water. The spreading rates are 9-12m²/Lt. on previously prepared surfaces. It drying normally on touch after 1-2 hours and recoatable after 3 hours. Times make different under cold or dump conditions PACKAGE:0,17 LT, 0,375 LT, 0,75 LT, 10 LT, 3 LT COLOR:Black, Blue
PVC Pegafor

PVC Pegafor

Solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes in pressure systems. CE marked. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic.
PVC Uneplas

PVC Uneplas

Solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes and accessories in pressure systems. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic
PVC Flexibil

PVC Flexibil

Blue gel solvent cement for rigid and flexible PVC PIPES in pressure systems. Also suitable for use on ABS. Non- drip. THF–free.
Polycolor 2K SQ - Acoperiri din Plastic

Polycolor 2K SQ - Acoperiri din Plastic

Wasserbasiertes, mattes, vergilbungsfreies 2K-Lacksystem für die einschichtige Verarbeitung. Das Produkt zeichnet sich durch exzellente Witterungs- und UV-Beständigkeit, sehr gute Kratzfestigkeit, hohe Blockfestigkeit sowie Chemikalienbeständigkeit aus. Polycolor 2K SQ W10 Weiß, tönbar Besondere Eigenschaften Eignungsnachweis nach DIN EN 927-2 Freibewitterung Prüfung der Wetterechtheit nach RAL-GZ 716, Teil 5 sowie DIN EN 513: 1999-10, Verfahren 1 (SKZ) Prüfung der Erwärmung nach RAL-GZ 716, Teil II-a-3, Anhang I (SKZ) Französische Verordnung DEVL1104875A über die Kennzeichnung von Baubeschichtungsprodukten auf ihre Emissionen von flüchtigen Schadstoffen: A+ Auftragsart Airless Airless luftunterstützt (Airmix, Aircoat, etc.) Druckbecherpistole